If you are having problems with debt or living costs, it is important to ask for help as soon as possible.

Citizens Advice Leeds provides free, independent advice to people living in Leeds, on a wide range of subjects including:

  • welfare benefits
  • debt
  • housing
  • employment

Oxford House, Oxford Row, Leeds, LS1 3BE (For a face-to-face, drop-in service from 9am to 1pm, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. After 1pm, they are open for booked appointments only. Tuesdays and Thursdays are for booked appointments only.)

Call the number below to find out more and book an appointment.

0808 2 78 78 78 9am – 5pm, Monday – Friday
Citizens Advice Leeds

Money Buddies is a free service that provides debt advice and can help you:

  • save money
  • learn how to budget (manage your money carefully)
  • understand financial statements
  • switch utility suppliers
  • avoid illegal money lenders

Haslewood Hub, 93 Haslewood Drive, Leeds, LS9 7PS

0113 2350276
Leeds Money Buddies (online chat is also available)
E-mail: [email protected]

Leeds (MIC) Money Information Centre is a local website run by Leeds City Council that can help you find organisations in Leeds that can provide free debt advice, offer affordable loans and services to help you save money and reduce your bills.

Leeds Money Information Centre

Money Helper is a national website which includes advice on saving and borrowing money, how to budget (manage your money carefully) and welfare benefits. It also offers free advice over the phone or online chat.

Money Helper

It includes a useful search tool to find local debt advice services:

Find Local Debt Advice

Christians Against Poverty provides free debt advice and help you create a plan to help you deal with money problems.

Christians Against Poverty

Help to heat your home
Groundwork’s Green Doctors provide help, advice and support to stay warm, stay well, and save money on household bills. Here are just a few of the FREE services you can get when you sign up for a Green Doctor consultation:

  • Fixing causes of heat loss in your home
  • Tackling problems with damp or mould
  • Useful tips for saving energy and water whilst ensuring your home stays safe and comfortable
  • Installing small energy and water efficiency measures, such as draft excluders
  • Help with accessing other support, such as emergency heating, government subsidies or grants, and advice on energy or water debt.

Online referral form (online only, no telephone)

The Green Doctor

Last Updated: 28 May 2024

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