Use this page to quickly find some of the most helpful websites you can use or services you can visit to speak to someone.

Help in Leeds

Use for:

  • Finding places you can go for support if you are a refugee or asylum seeker

Help in Leeds

Faith Venue Maps

Use for locations and contact details for:

  • mosques
  • churches
  • gurudwaras in Leeds

Muslims in Britain
Network Leeds (Christian Churches)
World Gurudwaras

Mindwell and MindMate

Use for:

  • learning about ways to support your mental health
  • finding where you can go for help

Mindwell (Adults)
MindMate (Children and young people)

Citizen’s Advice Leeds

Use for advice and support with:

  • Money
  • Housing
  • Employment
  • Benefits
  • Family problems
  • Immigration law / visas

Citizens Advice Leeds

NHS Choices

Use for:

  • finding GP practices, and dentists
  • information on using health services in England and if you need to pay
  • advice on medical conditions and healthy living

NHS Choices

Job Centre Plus

Use for:

  • Looking for work
  • Accessing free training
  • Claiming benefits while you are looking for work

Job Centre Plus

Leeds Pathways

Use for:

  • Finding education and training opportunities for 15-24 year-olds

Leeds Pathways

Free Wi-fi in Leeds Map

Use for:

  • A list of places where you can get free wi-fi

Leeds Free Wi-Fi List

Learning English in Leeds

Use for:

  • Finding English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) courses

Learning English in Leeds

Leeds Adult Learning

Use for:

  • Finding education and training for adults over 19
  • Finding courses you can do for fun
  • Finding English, Maths and ESOL courses

Leeds Adult learning

Leeds City Council

Use for finding information about:

  • Activities and places to visit
  • Benefits
  • British citizenship
  • Deaths, births, marriages
  • Housing
  • Information on schools, childcare
  • Jobs
  • Setting up your own business
  • Social care
  • Taxes

Leeds City Council

Community Hubs (formerly One Stops)

Use for help with:

  • looking for work
  • council tax bills
  • housing issues
  • benefits
  • accessing support for your family
  • library services
  • free computers and internet

Community Hubs

YouTube videos (Romanian)

Use for:

  • short videos in Romanian on jobs, transport, housing, education, health. Produced with Leeds City Council.

YouTube Videos

Last Updated: 17 June 2024

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