You should be able to live in a safe and secure home in Leeds. The information below should help you to stay safe, but if you do not feel safe in your home you should call West Yorkshire Police on 101 and in an emergency you should call 999. Police officers are trusted and will help you.

Fire safety

West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue is the fire service for Leeds.

The website has lots of advice to keep you and your family safe from fire in your home. It includes how to prevent fires from cooking and smoking, what to do if a fire starts and the importance of using a smoke alarm and carbon monoxide alarm.

Fire Safety in the Home

You can also do a home safety check to find out if there is anything you can improve to make your home safer.

Home Safety Check

You can also contact the local Leeds District Fire Prevention team for advice:

0113 290 4806

If you live in social housing provided by Leeds City Council, you can find out what is being done to help keep residents safe on the Council website. This includes if you live in flats/high rise buildings:

Council Housing Fire Safety

If you rent through a private landlord, they have a duty to follow regulations to keep your home safe:

Fire Safety for Private Renters

Accidents at home

The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) is a charity that works to prevent accidents and injuries in the home.
The website has lots of advice on many topics including gas and electrical safety, safety for older people and safety for children.

Home Safety

It also has information on keeping children safe from accidents:

RoSPA – keeping children safe

Last Updated: 28 May 2024

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