Use this page to quickly find some of the most helpful websites you can use or services you can visit to speak to someone.
Faith Venue Maps
Use for locations and contact details for:
- mosques
- churches
- gurudwaras in Leeds
Muslims in Britain
Network Leeds (Christian Churches)
World Gurudwaras
Citizen’s Advice Leeds
Use for advice and support with:
- Money
- Housing
- Employment
- Benefits
- Family problems
- Immigration law / visas
NHS Choices
Use for:
- finding GP practices, and dentists
- information on using health services in England and if you need to pay
- advice on medical conditions and healthy living
Leeds Adult Learning
Use for:
- Finding education and training for adults over 19
- Finding courses you can do for fun
- Finding English, Maths and ESOL courses
Leeds City Council
Use for finding information about:
- Activities and places to visit
- Benefits
- British citizenship
- Deaths, births, marriages
- Housing
- Information on schools, childcare
- Jobs
- Setting up your own business
- Social care
- Taxes
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